Editorial Intern – Yoxi April 5, 2011

Filed under: Jobs in NYC — sam roloff @ 7:07 pm

Yoxi (www.yoxi.tv) is seeking hard working, motivated, creative and resourceful interns to work with our team on program development, video production, web design, social media, marketing and event production.

Yoxi (YO-see) is a creative competition to discover big ideas and bright stars in social innovation. Taking on topics from education to energy, teams of passionate problem-solvers battle to deliver the best solutions to social issues. Teams show their ideas in videos, judges weigh-in and an audience comments and votes online. The winning team scores start-up funds, industry connections and mentoring so they can make their idea a reality.

Editorial Intern:

The Yoxi Editorial Intern will support the editorial team with deep and vast research of social issues/social innovation, writing across a variety of deliverables and assorted highly interesting tasks (including ping pong and darts, if you don’t waste time on the Interwebs).

The ideal candidate will have the following:

* Background in Journalism or English preferred but not required

* Excellent research abilities across major media sites, niche blogs and the Twitterverse; great skill at summarizing research in presentable manner

* Fluent in Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and various social media

* Versatility in writing from 140 characters to headlines to blog posts to e-newsletters; you understand how to write for digital platforms because you’ve learned how to research, report and write for longer-form stories

* This makes sense to you: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/20/opinion/20selsberg.html

* Can tell a story in WordPress, using Keynote, via multimedia, or a simple tweet

* Passion for and curiosity about social issues, from education to energy, disaster preparedness to green fashion

* Have a love of reading

* Web culture literate; You know a site/project/app that does really cool stuff related to ideas discussed in meetings

* Creative, self-sufficient and driven

If the above applies to you, please send your resume and a few writing samples, including:

1. Three tweets on any subject. These samples should be informative and fun (some should include links, hashtags, references to others [@person/organization] — make full, but tactful, use of what Twitter allows)

2. One brief (100-200 words) blog post on a current social issue. This should be a synopsis of and original perspective on a published article with a link to that article.

3. A one paragraph summary of a current social issue of your choice with a list of 5-10 sources from which you learned about this issue

4. Any relevant clips or link to your portfolio (if you have one)

5. A short cover letter (no more than a page) telling us about you, your interests, your experience with/interest in social innovation and your thoughts on Yoxi

• This internship is unpaid; A 30-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard will be provided for each month the intern works for Yoxi

Send materials to jobs@yoxi.tv with Editorial Intern in the Subject line.

ABOUT Yoxi: Yoxi is a project of TTSL, a grant-making foundation dedicated to facilitating socially responsible living. Visit www.yoxi.tv to learn more. Follow Yoxi on Twitter: www.twitter.com/yoxi_play. Join Yoxi on Facebook: www.facebook.com/yoxi.

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